Sunday, August 11, 2024

Back writing a renamed 'Sons of Covid' novel

RIVERS BEND MARINA, Oregon - A lot of water has washed past my riverside home since I last posted here.

The two biggest bits of news to report are that Sons of Covid will now be Captain Jack & the Sons of Covid. Plus, this latest novel in the Jack Stafford series will be published via at my 'stack': Write On and On. A printed version is in the works to be published once the novel has been released electronically.

THE NOVEL WILL BE PUBLISHED in serial fashion - a series of chapters at a time - similar to what Charles Dickens did in the 1800s, publishing his works via newspapers. Nothing like deadlines to encourage a writer - and the characters of a novel - to get cranking.

Instead of the wild finish ending up occurring in the Southern California desert, the characters have taken the book to Northern California to the Lava Beds National Monument.

Captain Jack & the Sons of Covid features many of the same newspaper/journalist characters readers met in The Fracking War, Fracking Justice and The Devil's Pipeline. There are a number of others, including one fellow named Lawton Eavil. (It's pronounced AVIL.) You can take from that I am using the Dickensian method of naming characters.

IF THE SUBSTACK-SERIAL RELEASE WORKS WELL for Captain Jack & the Sons of Covidthere are several other Jack Stafford tomes in the pipeline. Next up would likely be The Multnomah Mermaid, set in Northwest Portland.

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